Thursday, September 22, 2022

Seeing the World in a New Way

I am back to my old tricks again, using the infrared camera to make something that you are so familiar with, something different.  But there is something valuable here - the scene seems so completely changed to me, when all the foliage on the trees becomes something different than how we know it.  The whole scene seems lighter and brighter than it  normally would be and because of that, I want to spend more time carefully looking at everything.  So this makes me see the world in a new way, and that's always an interesting experience.



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo. I love everything about these trees that keep on giving us new photos. Love the black car at the end of the bend.

Anonymous said...

Makes me think of a frosty winter morning. Love these trees and the curving bend in the road. betsey

ken schwarz said...

Subtle layers of pale tones and shapes is certainly a treat for the eye. But I am drawn to the curve in the road that provides great sense of perspective and a very good illustration of vanishing point. Cool photo!

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for the nice comments. And Joan wins a prize BECAUSE... She saw the black car at the end of the bend. I had a photo with the car and without and decided to post this photo because of the black car!