Monday, March 17, 2025

Costco Sunset

We went down to Costco after dinner tonight for just a few things.  I had not noticed the sunset because we were driving south.  But when we turned west on Old Country Road to get to Costco, I was aware of it.  Fortunately, I drove closer to the building to find a parking spot, and when I got out of the car I saw this!  Yikes!  OK so that's a photo.  So I moved around a bit  to position the tree against the sky.  For my first photographs I kept the camera pointed higher to eliminate anyssense of all the cars in the parking lot. But then I thought that the cars were part of the scene so included them in the later shots, and I decided to chose a photograph with the car tops reflecting the light of the sky.  Funny, I guess beauty is where you find it!



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sunset photo. Joan

Betsey said...

Beautiful colors! Love it. Betsey