Monday, December 3, 2007

The Promise

So about two days ago I promised to stop posting photographs of the Japanese Maple. On the morning of the snow, I spent about half an hour photographing the tree, both up close and from a distance. I finally decided to post the close-up for visual variety on the page - I wanted a photo at a different scale, just to break up the sameness of the images. But I was struggling with that decision, and sent a couple of friends the photo that I was not using. They all wrote back and said "Post it!" So I am. I like the subtlety of this image. It seems more delicate, and there is more "going on" in the image (as we photographers are likely to say.) I think this is a "better" photograph than the close up. And now I will stop photographing the tree for the time being - as a result of a wind storm, most of the leaves are now gone. But what a gift this tree was to me this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is nice but are you sure it is the better of the two photographs? i prefer the close-up. it is practically a haiku.