Before I made the photo of the seagull walking on the railing the other day, I spent some time working on this photo. These lamp poles are relatively new in Sea Cliff, and I hadn't seen them before. It killed me that there were no people out on a misty day - a person or two would have made this the perfect photo. OK so no people, then what. Alright... A seagull will have to do. I was taken by the scene because it seemed very European in feeling.
Wow, that's a gorgeous photo. You don't need people, it's great as is! And yes, what a European feeling, totally. I'm impressed with the powers that be in Sea Cliff to have pulled that look off. Can't wait to see it in person!
Can't wait to see YOU in person! :-)
Love this picture Ken - could easily be Brighton in England or somewhere on the Italian or French coasts. Can you tell me from where you took the picture ? having a hard time figuring out what is across the harbor. thanks.
I am looking toward Port Washington and Sands Point. The road at that point runs west before the hairpin turn that heads up hill. The Yacht Club is about 25 yards east of where I was standing.
Thanks, I thought as much but just did not recognize the houses in PW and Sands Point.
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