Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Making a Mirror

I met these two High School students several months ago, and what immediately impressed me was their enthusiasm. We were talking about astronomy and telescope making, and they said that they wanted to build their own telescope. I was impressed. I asked if they were going to buy a mirror, and they said: "No, we want to make that too." Now I am REALLY impressed! I said I would offer any advice or help they needed. So here they are in my back yard today, working on constructing a "tile tool" which is used for grinding the mirror - the first step. These two people are so smart and so enthusiastic, that I find that talking to them excites me and makes me more enthusiastic - and you all know how enthusiastic I am already! I will probably be reporting on this project as it progresses.


Anonymous said...

Exciting and so nice that you are sharing your enthusiasm with them.

Anonymous said...

Would love to be able to follow their progress. Good for you to be mentor. bsk