Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Patiently Waiting

This is a nice story.  Kathy works evenings several nights a week, seeing clients. She is usually done by 9PM.  At about 9 PM on some nights, I will look into the dining room from the living room, and realize that the two kitties have gotten up on the table, and they are sitting there, looking out the window, patiently waiting for her car to arrive in the driveway!  It is amazing to me how they have a sense of time, and know when she is due home.  I just find that amazing, and of course, wonderful.  They're so cute aren't they?


Photodude Images said...

Does Kathy report that they also sit and wait for you?

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ok, so I'm not a cat person. While it's adorable that these cats sit and wait for their adult mom to arrive home, I don't understand cat owners who let their pets walk or sit on everything - especially things like dining tables and kitchen counters were food is prepared. Would you let a dog sit on your dining table? Or any other pet for that matter? What is it about cats that make people think that those creatures can't be trained to stay down on the floor where they belong? Even if you think cats are clean because they wash themselves with their own saliva and rid the house of field mice they leave somewhere inside, I think it's unsanitary to let them be on surfaces where food is eaten or prepared. Of course, this has nothing to do with how cute your cats are, but it does make for unappetizing thoughts about food consumption in any home where cats live.

Ken Spencer said...

The kitties do not wait for me. That's because I am usually the disciplinarian and I rarely let them get away with anything. So they are not necessarily happy to see me come home... :-)

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for the fact that cats have an amazingly accurate sense of time. As I write this, Cassie the Cat waits patiently for 6:00 PM, her supper time. She has become accustomed to eating at 8:30, 12:00, and 6:00, and patiently waits if the food doesn't come. She takes her AM and PM catnaps at the same time daily and wakes to be in front of the TV for the first half hour of David Letterman.

We dint know how she does it- even as time zones change!

Giving nothing but unlimited love and amusement, She is welcome anywhere, anytime.

Sam and Rosanne