Monday, October 21, 2013

The Lost Astronaut

I went to an FAA Safety Seminar on weather and flying tonight, at the Cradle of Aviation museum.  When it was over, I was driving out the driveway, and saw this.  This Astronaut marks the entrance to the museum, and I have seen it a billion times in daylight.  But tonight, it grabbed my attention as I was leaving, so I circled around and photographed it.  It was the blue light, and the roadway with only a few cars on it.  It just came to me that he looked completely out of place in these surroundings.  I particularly like this photograph because it is completely different from the things I normally photograph.  I think it is unexpected.


  1. Made me do a doubletake.

  2. Love the title! What is an astronaut doing on the side of the road in Long Island?? Good one! bsk
