Sunday, August 21, 2016


For years, when I grilled salmon, I put a mustard and dill sauce on it.  One day, when I was at our local grocery store, I saw this Mediterranean Salmon in the prepared food case.  I didn't think that it looked all that appetizing, with a few pieces of scallion on top of the salmon.  But it served as an inspiration for me to go off on my own, into the depths of the internet!  I came up with a recipe that sounded really good, with all kinds of ingredients.  Tomatoes, black olives, garlic, capers, and some herbs.  This is what my version of the dish looks like.  The thing is, I am pretty good at food photography, and this is just a snapshot of my dish.  This is not a real food photograph.  But you get the idea.  The dish is the store is not all that appetizing, is it?


  1. Can't wait for the Spencer salmon!-- Stan

  2. Your looks so moist and delicious. The Mediterranean salmon in the store looks dry. I will call you to find out how you cooked this.

  3. 5 STARS! That looks totally yummy! Good job, Chef Ken.

  4. Looks and sounds like a "tapenade" with your ingredients. Delicious!! So glad you cooked your own recipe :-) bsk

  5. Wow! Thank you all for the great comments. Much appreciated!
