Saturday, March 11, 2017

Danger of Electrocution

I was stopped at a traffic light when I saw this, so I had only a short time in which to grab my toy camera an get this shot.  Whew, only time for three frames.  Why is this interesting to me?  Because I know that the voltage between those three wires that the pigeons are resting on is something like 13,200 volts.  The thing is that the pigeons are each sitting on one wire.  In order to be electrocuted, they will have to touch both the wire they are sitting on, and the center wire. So the birds are safe, but still...  At least now you know enough to do electrical wiring in your home...   :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me thinks you found "where the birdies iz " and brace yourself because "phil" saw his shadow this year. batten down the hatches, -laurel