Monday, March 5, 2018

The Spaceship is Landing

How lucky am I!  A space ship is landing, and a child walks over near it, and I am there to record it!  What phenomenal luck!  This is cool, right?  OK, the real story is that one of our astronomy club members owns an SUV from an upscale automotive manufacturer, and because his passion for astronomy, they are doing a commercial, just for the web, about him, and his car, and his hobby.  So the filmmakers came to where we meet and set up a star party so they could film it.  They started in daylight, and then set up lights and filmed at night.  This amazing thing is called a "balloon light" and it is huge and bright, at 1000 watts.  The child is the grandson of the subject of the film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the beginning of an alien movie where the innocent child is drawn to the bright alien "being" flying above the ground :-) betsey