Friday, July 31, 2020

The Japanese Maple as You Have Not Seen it Before

As I was going down the driveway for a walk the other day, it was rather late in the afternoon.  I saw the Japanese maple from this angle, and was taken by the light on the trunk and branches.  I had never quite seen the tree from this direction before.  I mean, I have, I guess but I never NOTICED it.  It's always about the light!  The original photograph is in color and there were what I thought were distracting off color tints on the branches so I thought I would convert the photo to black & white. (Sound of gears in Ken's head grinding...)  Then I thought again about it, and thought that perhaps the color photograph was better.  So here is the color version as well, and you get to pick your favorite!


Ron said...

Ken, I love both the photos but in all honesty, I can’t tell the difference!! Must be my color blindness. The only difference I see is the second photo has a brighter background. Good thing I grew up with the same tree. At least I know(?) what it looks like in real life. Please keep posting photos of the tree, i love them.

ken schwarz said...

Although I am a fan of Black and White photography, in this instance I vote for the color rendition. You are absolutely correct about how light affected your Japaneses Maple Tree by revealing very subtle shades of green in the leaves and ground cover contrasting with very subtle shades of light brown in the tree trunk and branches. Again, your famous Japanese Maple Tree is the gift that keeps on giving. Wonderful shot!

Anonymous said...

I was immediately taken with the black and white photo of your loverly Japanese Maple Tree until I saw the color one. Color wins in this photo. So many variation of colors to see.

Anonymous said...

I am drawn to the strong design aspect in the black & white photo. However, the color photo has such a variety of soft shades of green that it gives a feeling of peacefulness. Color wins! betsey