Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish?

So I have mentioned my 70-200mm zoom lens for my new SONY camera and how I love that lens so much.  Sony 70-200mm The one thing that it doesn't do well, is allow me to get really close to objects.  To reach focus, I need to be maybe 4 feet or so away from the closest object. There are two ways to get closer - get an "extension tube" that goes on the back of the lens - those run about $90 or $130.  Or, I could buy a set of four close-up lenses that screw on the front of the zoom lens.  Those are $16.95.  So which to buy.  The lens cost $1,600 and is made from really high quality optical glass.  Should I put a $4 lens on the front of my zoom lens?  How dumb would that be?  Well, maybe not too dumb.  I bought the set and this is one of those lenses on my zoom, and look how close I can get now! Not too bad!


  1. Or you could buy a Sony FE 90 mm F2.8 Macro lens for $1100? Life is short - buy the lens you need for close up photography!

  2. Primo! I know what I COULD buy but this may be a more useful solution. When you shoot with a 200mm closeup lens, the ability to separate one flower from the background is so much easier with a longer focal length lens. I could also spend $125 for an extension tube if I wanted the ultimate in quality, which, in fact, I certainly don't need. I would get a MUCH more useful lens if I put the $1,100 toward the SONY 200-600mm lens, and I may just do that, but it is a beast! So many toys, so little time... :-)
