Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Tuesday is Dunkin' - With Vivian!

As you all know, if it is Tuesday, it is Dunkin' Donuts Day at the Beach.  And today was no exception.  But this was a special day, because Amy and Vivian were going to join us.  So this is Vivian in her first trip to Dunkin.  She has no idea what to expect.  There is a young woman and a man who work there who I am friendly with, and I have shown them Vivian's photo, so today they got to meet Amy and Vivian.

So this is Vivian's FIRST donut.  Ever.  In her life!  Amy chose her a sugar glazed raised donut and she took to it immediately.  And you are now witness to her first bite!  Mister Johnny-on-the-spot with your latest spot news photograph. The Decisive Moment, as the photographer Cartier-Bresson would say!  Don't you love the hat?

The group at the table, less of course, the photographer.  But this is our personal table and no one else is allowed to sit here on Tuesday mornings.  Unless, of course, someone does.

And here is Vivian about to go explore the beach and the sand.



Anonymous said...

Love all of the family photos on Dunkin Day!

Anonymous said...

She's so cute! She must have loved the donut. Trace

Anonymous said...

Miss Vivian is loving' all that sugar!! Looks like she is pretty well "trained" to look at the guy holding the camera - just like the rest of us :-) The bottom photo is pure summer in her blue & white outfit ready to explore the water and beach. betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your nice comments. For the record, after her donut was gone, and remember this was her very first donut, she kept saying "more donut!? Uh-Oh! :-)