Sunday, May 5, 2024

Blinding Light

When I got off my train, I walked a fair distance to get to this new stairway that runs directly up from the Long Island Railroad concourse to the street.  A real shortcut, compared to other ways of getting up to the street in the old days. But on this day, the sun was out and a lot of scaffolding up on the street had been removed and now all of the light up on the street poured into the opening and reflected off the polished stainless steel of the escalators!  I had never seen it this bright!  It literally stopped me in my tracks.  Well, for maybe 5 seconds and then I had my camera up to my eye and stood here for a few minutes trying to get interesting silhouettes in the foreground.


  1. Wow! It is eye catching. Wonderful to see it so bright.

  2. Makes me think of going up into a flying saucer! Betsey

  3. It's a cool photo. It looks like an entrance to a spaceship. Trace

  4. Thank you all for your comments! I have photographed these escalators before and so it was so strange to see it so bright from the reflections, that the camera stopped down and that made the rest of the photograph darker, which changes the feel of this scene completely!
