Saturday, May 4, 2024

Relaxing on the Stoop


Another photograph of some citizens of Manhattan.  When Stan and I left the International Center of Photography, we went out the back door and this is what we faced!  It is the strangest thing.  All the buildings on this side of Ludlow Street look like this.  There is graffiti everywhere, and I think that perhaps this entire block is set to be demolished at some point in the not too distant future.  All the buildings like ICP on the other side of the street are modern buildings in beautiful condition.  I only discovered this fact when I used google maps to check out this location and saw all the buildings marked in graffiti.


  1. Just hangin’ out…not something most non city dwellers do but looks perfectly normal in your photo. Betsey

  2. This makes me sad and yet so thankful that we grew up in a neighborhood home with green grass and friends so close by.
