Friday, May 3, 2024

Riding the Subway

Riding the subway is such an interesting experience.  It's a United Nations, when it comes to riders.  When you sit in your seat, you are facing a bunch of other people opposite you.  Socially it is an unusual situation to be looking at other people face to face and not that far away from you.  So you look up at the ads or the floor, or to the left and right at other riders who are not directly across from you.  It is something I love about the subway because I love looking at people, but the rules are, you don't stare.  So you pass your gaze along and only look at people for a second and usually you don't make eye contact.  Those are the rules.  I thought these two were an interesting couple.  I love the woman's bright green NY hat and her bright red shirt.  My camera was in my lap, sideways, and I could not come up with a way to point it at them, even if it was in my lap.  I know they would have seen that and been suspicious. Then I noticed others using their cell phones vertically in their laps!  So I got my phone out of my pocket and had it in my lap, and it was tinted forward at 45 degree angle and I pretended to be touching it and swiping it, and then I tilted it back a bit until it was vertical and then I clicked the shutter a few times, and was not noticed at all.  This photography stuff is hard work!


  1. You have become a "Super Sleuth" in your old age. LOL. I would think if hose 2 were a couple, maybe they would chat with each other. Everyone looks so bored.

  2. It's amazing how no one notices a photo being taken in this day and age. Interesting photo, though everyone looks unhappy or tired. I like the woman's shoes with the deck of card symbols. Trace

  3. It's amazing how no one notices a photo being taken in this day and age. Interesting photo, though everyone looks unhappy or tired. The woman's shoes are interesting with the deck of card symbols. Trace

  4. The couple did say a few words to each other, once in a while. The expressions on their faces suddenly make me think right now, "I wonder what my face looked like?" I wonder if I looked that bored. Better to look bored, by the way, than really interested in your subject because then you give yourself away that you are interested in them, and if you are holding a camera, they might be wary and start watching me.

  5. I love Joan’s comment about your becoming a “super sleuth”! You do make photography seem easy because we don’t hear all the stories about what you go through. I laughed when I read what you did to get the shot. Betsey
