Saturday, May 11, 2024

Cherry Blossoms

These Cherry Blossoms, ( I HOPE) they are Cherry Blossoms all over the ground and the road caught my eye as I came around a corner on one of the roads I usually ride on.  It was like snow on the ground! the blossoms looked a bit tired, so I was wishing I had come by the day before.  The scene was so beautiful seeing so many blossoms.  After I took this photograph, I decided I would do one of the tree which still had lots of blossoms on it, in hopes someone would be able to identify the tree from this second image.



  1. So beautiful but so messy. I think it is a Kwanzan Cherry Tree. I had one on Seaside and have one at the condo. Blossoms all over the patio and in my house, but lovely to look at in the Spring.

  2. Thank you so much for the identification of the tree. Whew! I am glad that at least is was some kind of Cherry tree!

  3. The blossoms on the tree are still a vibrant pink. Very pretty! Betsey
