Sunday, May 12, 2024

Little and Big

The Fern bank is such a joy and it is so beautiful, especially in the spring when they Ferns first come up.  There is one problem with the fern bank, however.  We have Grape ivy vines that are always trying to take over the ferns, and tiny maple trees that sprout every spring as well, as well as some other weeds.  it is a constant battle to keep the fern bank clear.  Well, the other day it was time to do my first weeding and clearing of the ferns.  On my way down the driveway, I happened to see these tiny flowers which jumped out because of their brightness.  I loved the comparison in size between the giant ferns, and the tiny flowers.



  1. Love thee contrast of the tiny star flowers against the lush green ferns. Hope you left them and only pulled the aggressive grape ivy. :-)

  2. So sweet to see these white flowers peeking through the ferns. Betsey
