Thursday, June 13, 2024

Moon Watch

We had a successful Moon Watch tonight at Old Westbury Gardens.  One of the members counted about 40 visitors who enjoyed the view through our telescopes.  It is always a joy to set up a telescope and then when both adults and children put their eye to the telescope, most can't help exclaiming what a stunning thing that is to see!

This is the object of our affection, the first quarter moon.  And the skies were perfectly clear fortunately.  Look at all the craters along the "terminator" and how they stand out.   And then the very smooth and darker areas called "Mare" because before telescopes people who looked at the moon though they were "seas."

This young woman is observing the moon through an antique telescope which one of our members owns.  It is a 4" aperture Brashear refractor made in Pittsburgh, PA in about 1898 and to answer your question, "Yes, this telescope gives stunning views!"



  1. The image is so sharp that it doesn’t look like a whole moon exists - just a half! Thank goodness for telescopes - new and antique - so we can enjoy all the incredible views of the moon. Betsey

  2. I love the thought of the antique telescope. What is the rod the girl and gentlemen are both touching?
