Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Rose Garden

I have taken other photographs of the Rose Garden at the Vanderbilt Mansion and Planetarium.  As June days pass and we get closer to the summer solstice, the days are longer.  Only a month or two ago when I arrived at my astronomy meetings, it as dark out.  Now it is still daylight.  I think the thing that stopped me was the smokestacks from the generating plant with the background of the gentle clouds.  Then I looked around at the garden and fountain and noticed the columns to the left and the fountain to the right and decided I had a lovely landscape photograph of the Rose garden.



  1. Beautiful landscape photo.

  2. What a view from the Mansion. The garden plus the sailboats and the lovely sky. Lovely. Betsey

  3. It's nice to see it in the springtime again. It makes me stop and think of the passing of the seasons and how quickly time has gone by since the winter photo and such a change in the landscape and lighting. Trace
