Tuesday, June 11, 2024

You Choose, Please

I was waiting for my friend in Bryant Park and we were going to take the subway uptown to the restaurant together, for the "Boy's Dinner."   As I sat there looking around I saw this woman sitting with a friend having a conversation and she seemed animated, and she smiled a lot while talking.  I thought it was just a lovely moment in the city,  so with the camera in my lap, I took about a dozen photographs and this is my favorite.  But here's the thing - I shot it in color, of course, and while editing it, began to think that the color in the photo was distracting, so I converted the image to black & white.  But when I was done I was not sure if I liked it better than the color version which is below.  Which is your favorite?



  1. I like the color version. Beautiful day, lively conversation and surrounded by nice bright colors makes me feel better. Betsey

  2. I prefer the color photo. The warm smile on the woman and so nice to see people enjoying each others company on a lovely day warms my heart.

  3. i agree that the color version is better; the woman’s face is sharper, and the vivid colors complement her expression.

  4. Although I do really enjoy black and white photographs...the color shot is my favorite of the two. The bright colors add to the overall cheerful vibe of the woman's smile.

  5. This photo could have been called Hat No. 3 in the New York Hat Series. As much as I enjoy your black and white photo journalistic style photos, in this case the color version is more appealing. The smiling woman with hat is central to the scene wearing an off-white color hat, healthy glow in her complexion and dressed in shades blue and blue and white stripes. So there it is - Color is the shot!

  6. I like the black and white version better. The big blue structure to the left of the image is distracting in the color version. But the look on the woman's face is wonderful.
