Friday, June 7, 2024

The New Look of Penn Station

I have been showing you the changes inside Penn Station for some time now. starting back in 2021 when I made my first trip back to Manhattan after the worst of COVID was over.  The first time I got off my train at Penn I was stunned to see what was going on:  Low Beams! They had made big changes to the outside as well, with this new entrance and spectacular escalator which you have seen, but the outside was partially obscured by scaffolding and there were plywood barriers so you couldn't see what was happening to the outside of the building itself.

So on this trip I could finally see the new outside entrance in all its glory, with no scaffolding and everything like the glass panels cleaned.  And I could also see the giant steel supports that make up the new entrance to Madison Square Garden, and the main entrance for the Long Island Railroad, which I have not photographed yet, because there is still construction going on there.

I had read that they were replacing the cement sidewalks with marble paving and it was amazing to see the finished result.  What a cool entrance, right?  It has been a long wait, but what an incredible difference.

1 comment:

  1. So modern and those steel support beams are huge and amazing. Marble flooring? That must have been an expensive undertaking along with modern glass structure outside. Nice to see the new look.
