Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Dinner With Friends

We had a lovely "take in" dinner tonight with our friends where we watch fireworks.  Their daughter was home and Liz and Amy were home.  We have been doing this since Covid - we both go to a take out Chinese restaurant and buy our meals and then go to their house and have dinner!  Easy Peasy, no work cooking for either of us!  It was so special that our girls got together with one of their girls and could catch up after a long time.  They were thrilled to see Vivian as well, of course.

I started photographing this scene while the sun was still up.  I took a few photographs, and then sat back down to dinner.  Then I would get up 10 minutes later because the light had changed.  I guess I did this for 30 or 45 minutes.  This is the last photograph, and the best photograph!  The perfect ending for a perfect day, and dinner!



  1. Nice that you get together with friends occasionally and nice Liz and Amy got to spend time with an old friend. I absolutely love the photo of the harbor at sunset. It is gorgeous, so peaceful and relaxing to look at!!! Trace

  2. Great timing for Amy to be able to catch up with an “old” friend. Your photo of the harbor is just stunning! Betsey
