Friday, July 12, 2024

A Famous Tree

We are in Connecticut for a family reunion tomorrow.  We are staying at the Cheshire Welcome Inn.  When we pulled into the parking lot, the first thing I saw was this really old tree.  The shape of it and the thickness of the trunk and the gnarly bark and twisted branches got my attention right away.  So I grabbed a camera and studied it for a bit and then took this photograph, making sure there were no cars in the photograph on the road in the background, on Route 10.  The person at the desk was not sure of what kind of tree it was when I asked, but he did show me a beautiful photograph he took of the tree in the Spring when the entire was a beautiful pink. So I did some digging and I believe this is a Weeping cherry tree, and it is believed to be the oldest tree in Cheshire.  We need to come back in the Spring to see it in bloom!



  1. This tree is massive and beautiful and a unique shape. I must have driven by it going to Jonathan's and never noticed as my eyes are on the road. I will check it out next time I drive up Route 10 in Cheshire. Great shot!

  2. This tree looks perfect for a climbing tree with its massive and craggy limbs! Betsey
