Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Warm Loaf of Bread in the Morning!

What is better than this, I ask you, a warm loaf of bread right out of the oven, just before breakfast!  I have not been eating bread lately, trying to avoid carbs to get my weight down and my cholesterol down as well.  But Kathy just felt the need for baking some bread, so instead of Quaker Oats for breakfast, I had warm buttered bread with my coffee this morning!  What a treat!



  1. This bread looks delicious as always. With the temperature cooling a little it is time to turn the oven on and bake bread. The taste and smell of fresh bread is making me want some. :-)

  2. Looks delicious!! Trace

  3. Kathy’s bread is not only delicious but looks beautiful, too!
