Saturday, September 7, 2024

I THOUGHT There Was a Picture...

I was buying my usual apples at the grocery store.  I really love Honeycrisp, because they are always crispy, even when it is not apple season.  Anyhow I usually examine each apple quickly to see if there are any brown spots.  When I picked this one up, I was taken with the pattern of green splotches and thin green kind of spidery lines on this side of the apple.  I thought it would make an interesting photograph, but when I started working with the apple on some seamless background paper, and viewing it in the camera with my closeup lens, I was disappointed that the patterns were actually not very interesting.  Oh well...  Maybe I will have something better for you tomorrow.



  1. I see a puppy dog!! Betsey

  2. It's a perfect photo for the fall season! In fact, as I was viewing the blog, I was eating an apple thinking what a great flavorful treat they are, especially this time of year! The photo is a recognition of this great fruit! Trace

  3. Thank you both! There is something worthwhile in my photograph after all!
