Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Guggenheim Ramps

So this is a view across the atrium of what the circular ramps look like that spiral up inside the Guggenheim museum.  It is amazing.  It is fun to stop and just watch the silhouettes of people walking up and down the ramp and looking at the artwork.  As I mentioned in yesterday's post the ramp goes up at an angle of three degrees.  

 I wondered, knowing that the ramps are tilted, whether or not the paintings are tilted to match the tilt of the ramps, or if they are hung level.  So I got out my iPhone which has a bubble level in it, to check the angle of the floor and then to see if the paintings were level.  The floor was tilted three degrees, and the paintings are tilted as well, but only one and one half degrees. So of course Stan took a picture of me testing all the angles!



Anonymous said...

Of course you would check this out! Very interesting and fun photo of you and your phone level. Joan

Anonymous said...

I love the cross view. No wonder it took 15 years to design & build. Who would think to create a big circle to show Art. Genius! Betsey