Monday, March 15, 2021

The Thinnest of Crescent Moons

We were headed out for ice cream, at MacDonalds, of course, and I saw this crescent moon setting in a light blue sky.  I didn't have my telephoto lens with me, so I had to wait until we returned home to grab the long lens, and a tripod, to make this photograph.  There is something sublime about seeing such a thin crescent moon in the sky.  I wish I could have photographed it earlier against the light blue twilight sky.  The moon has an "age" every month.  The age is in days, starting from "new moon" when the moon is very near the sun, and so you can't see it at all.  This moon is 2.3 days old, so the weather needs to be clear so that we can see such a thin moon.



Linda said...

Beautiful image. I've never been able to do moon or night sky images very well. Kudos

Anonymous said...

Stunning photo. Love seeing a crescent moon.

Anonymous said...

This thin crescent moon is astounding. The image is so sharp! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all for your comments. I love that you all enjoy the crescent moon as much as I do.