Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Feather Against the Sky

After sitting in the car having our coffee and donut, we got out to walk on the beach for a bit.  It was pretty windy which is why we had our Dunkin' in the car.  As I walked along I found this feather in the sand.  I think it is a seagull feather, but I can't be sure.  For some reason I held it up against the sky to look at it, and when I did, I thought "I need to take a photograph of this."  I was aware that I needed to use a large lens opening so that even though this was shot with a wide angle lens - 24mm, that the background would be out of focus so it didn't interfere with the sharpness of the feather.  This feels like one of the best photos I have done recentlyl.


ken schwarz said...

Today's photo deserves high fives for it's very creative and interesting effect! Cool shot!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Front and center - picture perfect.