Friday, January 5, 2024

Flower Child, Grown Up

Yesterday was a trip to "Fun City" where I met Stan and our friend Preston at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  We went to see the exhibit about the relationship between Manet and Degas and how their paintings were similar at times, and how they were different.  So my railroad trip always takes me to Jamaica station where I have to change trains, to go to either Penn Station or Grand Central.  While waiting on the platform, I always look around to see if there is a picture.  And when I saw this woman, I was immediately taken by how she was dressed.  I am assuming that all of her clothing was made by her, and I am in awe of her work as a seamstress!  I don't like to embarrass anyone, so I photographed her from behind.  I really wanted to compliment her on how she was dressed, but after being sure that I had a photograph, the train to Grand Central pulled in and she got on.  But I am thrilled I did get this photograph.



Anonymous said...

Love your caption for this photo! Did you get close enough to see if her jacket/cape was beaded? So colorful! Not my style, but I love that she dresses to please herself.

Anonymous said...

Joan said it just right - she dresses to please herself. Your caption is perfect! Betsey