Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Curvy Cornfield

Truth be told here, I photographed these young cornstalks back in June.  I was driving on a small road I use to take the back way to get to a Home Depot when I saw these rows of corn, and they are probably no higher than perhaps 18"  Now they have grown to full size, been harvested, and then cut down!  I knew I had these photographs around but never got to editing them.  Duh!  Because the plants were so small, I could see the rows of corn for a long distance and it was the gentle curves in the rows that I enjoyed photographing.  I used a 400mm lens which is a pretty long telephoto lens, and that compresses what we are seeing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the feeling of this. But I had to laugh because I have never seen such wavy rows. Betsey