Saturday, December 14, 2024

Christmas Candles

Years ago I bought some electric candles for the windows of our house, as Christmas decorations.  I always remember the houses around the green in Guilford, Connecticut.  I think everyone agreed to just put white electric candles in every window, and to see all the houses around the green decorated that way was stunning.  So I had, in the past, maybe 4 or 6 white candles that I put up some years.  Then I would forget where that box was, which contained not only the candles, but the custom fabricated extension cord for each one to reach the nearest socket.  I guess they are in the attic somewhere...  So this year I bought a box of 6 white electric candles and tried them out.  They looked great but were too bright, I thought and I wished they were a warmer color.  So I bought some orange spray paint and unscrewed the bulbs and painted each one, after masking the metal screw on the bottom.  I liked the look so much I bought 6 more and now every window on the north side and on the east side has it's own candle.  Finally!  Pretty, and subtle, which matters to me.

So this is what the house looks like from the side yard.  No one driving by sees the house this way but it is a pretty view, I think.  So finally, I have a candle in each window, and I will put bright yellow tape around the box so I can find these candles and extension cords next year!



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