Sunday, December 1, 2024

Formation Flight

It is such a powerful feeling to see a formation of Canada Geese flying in the Fall.  Their flight, for me,  evokes a sense of wanderlust.  I start thinking of the long distance they have to fly to get to their wintering range.  When I started reading about the migration of the geese, I was surprised to learn that a lot of geese don't migrate!  They have learned to live in urban areas in ponds that might be on golf courses or condominium communities, which is the case where Vince and Jo Anne live.  

When I do my two-mile walks when we are staying in Rochester, I walk by this pond twice, on each walk.  I don't remember ever seeing more than a few geese here.  But the last day we were there, I walked really late in the day, after sunset, and it was amazing to see flocks of geese descend from the sky and land on the water.  I am guessing that's where they stay for the night.  It was interesting to read more about Canada Geese, and learn unexpected things.



Anonymous said...

Great photos but the geese can be messy around City Hall duck pond and a condo complex and church near me. Watch where you step. Joan

Anonymous said...

You are right about that Joan!!

Anonymous said...

I love to seeing them flying in formation and honking away. Not crazy about their return because they make a mess. Lovely photo of the pond filled with geese. Betsey