Friday, July 29, 2011

The Dungeon

OK, so it is not a dungeon. But the story about this tunnel is very cool. This tunnel runs from Hartness House, which is now a hotel, but at one time was the residence of James Hartness, governor of Vermont from 1921 to 1923. He was an amateur astronomer, and it gets COLD up here in the winter. So he and some friends build a concrete structure out in the side yard, much of which is underground, and out of which protrudes a refracting telescope. So he could observe the heavens from a warm place during the bitter cold winters. Only thing is, he needed to GET to the telescope from the house. Thus, this underground tunnel from the house to the telescope! Very cool indeed.


Anonymous said...

The tunnel is VERY cool!! Did you previously post a picture of the structure?

Ken Spencer said...

I don't remember ever posting a photo of the tunnel.

Anonymous said...

The structure I was referring to was in the Aug 5, 2010 post, but I found it and it was what I was recalling.