Thursday, September 8, 2011

Red & Blue

It was late in the day when I went out for my bike ride, the sky was overcast and it was beginning to get dark. Coming down the home stretch, I could see the stratus clouds to the north, through the line of the sycamore trees. The traffic lights were green but turned red before I got to them, so I had to stop. (Note: Ken stops at traffic lights when he is out on his bike!) Anyhow, I was taken by the color contrast between blue-colored clouds and water, and the bright red lights. I had to pull over, get my camera out of my bike jersey pocket, and then wait for the next red light.


Anonymous said...

The red light is in the center? at any rate.. it is a lovely picture.. what a beautiful place to live!! seem to follow the rules better on a bike than in a car.. :)!

Anonymous said...

Good one- SO calming.


Ken Spencer said...

Oh man, I am BUSTED! I did not notice this! You are right, the red light is NOT supposed to be in the center! Confession - the brightness of the light compared to the rest of the photo, caused the light to be washed out, and nearly devoid of color - it was overexposed. So what I did was to "paint" the red back in using Photoshop. Only I really messed up - I took one photo and it was the yellow light. By the time I took the second shot, with the red light illuminated, there was a car in the photo, so I used the other photo, and missed that it was the wrong color light. Wow! NICE catch! What a dolt I am!

Anonymous said...

So make it yellow again. It will still be calming.


Anonymous said...

i really study your shots... :)
and i really wasn't sure if it was supposed to be that way.. i have seen street lights work differently in different places for various reasons..
it is a beautiful shot!!
i learn a lot from you.