Thursday, April 25, 2013

Waiting for the ISS

Whenever the the International Space Station makes a pass overhead shortly after sunset, the predicted times and directions become available well in advance, and at the appointed time we go outside to see if we can see it.  It looks like a very bright star, moving from horizon to horizon in 3 or 4 minutes.  So it was a clear evening, but the sky was fairly bright which makes it harder to see.  I went down to the harbor with my 7x50 binoculars, and waited for it to appear.  But I never saw it.  Fortunately I had my toy camera with me, and so I realized I could end up with a blog shot, so I used the self timer, and balanced the camera on a bench, and this is the result, tilted horizon and all.


Photodude Images said...

I see a bird watcher blocking a nice sunset.

Ken Spencer said...

Dude, I can ALWAYS count on you for another way of looking at things! Thanks for that!