Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Sardines!  I am back to having sardine sandwiches for lunch again, from time to time.  I was at the grocery store buying a piece of salmon for dinner and happened to look down and saw these sardines.  Yikes! Their appeal was somewhat reduced seeing the blood in the ice.  Of course the sardines I use to make a sandwich, come in a can packed in olive oil, and they have no heads or tail fins, so they are a bit easier to eat than these would be. I like the design of this image, by the way - the diagonals and the varying sizes of the fish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you liked sardines. I remember that Dad would make a makeshift snack/dinner on Sunday nights by putting them on saltines. (Mom said we were on our own for supper after cooking Sunday dinner for the family at lunch time!) I have never tried cooking fresh sardines. I buy them in cans, also. Enjoy your sandwiches!! bsk