Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cutaway Building

I was coming back from a bagel run earlier than normal, and I was blown away by how the light illuminated my favorite building!  The sun was lower in the sky, and more easterly, so it lit up the east side of this building, which is now in two parts.  Most of the time, as you probably remember, I end up shooting into the light, which makes seeing detail in the structures difficult.  But since the light is raking across the structure, the detail jumps out at you.  This is probably one of the more dramatic images I have taken in the whole project.


Anonymous said...

Does she understand why she is naked? For years, she diligently stood in place, facing the wind and the elements of nature that followed. Battered by storms - kissed by sunlight. Her impenetrable facade protected her when she was younger. Now, there's only a skeletal shadow of what used to be. I hear her whimpers as she tries to recall her glory days. She was not the most beautiful building, but she was whole.

Ken Spencer said...

Anonymous - I'm so glad you are back! I have always loved your comments! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Love what "Anonymous" wrote! Beautifully written - it's lyrical! bsk

Anonymous said...

Keep meaning to comment on this incredible shot. Almost 3D. You caught the amazing light on the structure. Very nice.-- Stan