Wednesday, January 14, 2015

One Building, Two Buildings

I photographed the power plant yesterday but I had not driven by it today.  When I was on my way to the astronomy meeting, I was stunned to see that the whole insides are now removed!  Wow!  Wish I had seen some of that.  So on the way home from my meeting late tonight, I set up a tripod (in the middle of the street - don't worry - I was wearing a bright red jacket and there was almost no traffic.)  I was not sure what I was going to get.  It took one exposure to see that the sky was bright enough to show the outline of the two buildings.  You have seen so many photographs of this scene, that you couldn't be blamed for being bored, but the scene at night like this is a completely different feeling.


Anonymous said...

This is amazing seeing it at night. Hard to believe the amount of time this process has been going on.

Anonymous said...

Nice!! it would be cool to see like a time lapse set up of all the photos you have taken since the beginning of this project.

Anonymous said...

You haven't shown this scene at night so this is different. Amazing that it is now 2 buildings! bsk