Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Night Light and Moonrise

I went out to the garage to take out the garbage.  After dragging the container down the driveway, I came back to the garage to close the door and happened to see the inside light of the garage shining out on the snow.  In addition to that, the moon was rising through the trees in the background.  I had to crank up the sensitivity of the camera in order to get this. I used ISO 6400 and hand-held the camera against the side of the garage.


Anonymous said...

There is a lot going on in this picture...kind of cool! bsk

Anonymous said...

The timid moon peeks out from behind the wintered trees and catches the window light as it falls softly on the drifted snow, creating a diaphanous, crystal-white blanket. It's a night for flirting and romance. Shall we dance?

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you both for your comments. They keep me going! I love the poetry - thanks!