Monday, December 17, 2018

Gingerbread Women

Tonight I did my second Christmas ritual of the season, making gingerbread cookies!  My first ritual, of course, is the making and sending of Christmas cards.  These are really amazing cookies.  The recipe for these came from Mertie Loomis, my grandmother's friend. She passed the recipe down to my mom, and she passed the recipe down to my sisters and I.  You make the dough, then put it in the refrigerator for an hour to chill, then roll the dough out, and use a cookie cutter to make each cookie.

What's funny about these is how distorted some of the cookies are!  The dough was soft, so getting it on and off the cookie sheet distorts the cookies.  You might be interested in the design of the gingerbread woman.  I decided to make a cookie cutter years ago, and I think I worked from a picture in a magazine.  To look at these now, it seems as if they are Dutch girls!  I cut the shape out of a piece of galvanized sheet metal, and then added a narrow strip of metal around the edge which cut the dough.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are continuing with tradition. You are creative making your own cookie cutter. Do you make any gingerbread me or should we start protest? :-) Betsey makes gingerbread men or trees or stars from this recipe for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I never knew that this recipe came from Mertie Loomis. I remember her name but nothing about her. There aren't a lot of gingerbread cookie recipes that don't include an egg. But I've always loved the way these come out. I like to change my cookie cutters every year :-) Enjoy your delicious cookies that you are making for your family!!! betsey