Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Seasoned Reporter & The Cub Photographer

So this photograph is from a long time ago!  I had just graduated from R.I.T in May of 1964 and went to work for the Rochester Times Union on the photo staff.  One day when I showed up to work, dressed appropriately as a photographer should, the reporter I was sent on assignment with, was dressed exactly the same!  Someone suggested we have our picture taken.  So the reporter borrowed a camera bag, and I borrowed Ivan Conklin's black rimmed eyeglasses, and we walked down the street next to the Gannett building!  What a fun photograph to discover after all these years!


Anonymous said...

What a great photo from the past. Photos like these must bring back so many memories. The matching suits and glasses are comical. I also like the black and white photo, the old buildings on the side and in the background and the route 31 sign. Trace

ken schwarz said...

My first impression of this photo is that you and your reporter friend were entering a Clark Kent Look-A-Like contest!

Anonymous said...

Ken Schwartz' comment made me laugh out loud! betsey

Photodude Images said...

Look at those skinny ties. They fell out of style in the late 60s and then came back for a while in the 80's. Now nobody wears ties anymore.