Wednesday, February 21, 2024


This is one of the last loaves of sourdough bread that Kathy has been baking in the last few weeks.  She started out with some sourdough starter from the daughter of a friend and was excited about making bread.  The first loaf was delicious, but I think it was not very tall.  So Kathy changed a thing or two and made another.  Not much taller.  Then there was an issue with the air pockets in the bread, I think.  There were not enough of those.  So the short version is, that this might be loaf number 8 and it is out of this world!  She was letting the dough rise too much, and I think it also involved letting it rise in the refrigerator, which was quite different.  Anyhow, we have had more sourdough in the last couple of weeks than we have had in our lives!  What you are looking at is the loaf just after it came out of the oven.  It is sitting in a cast iron pot, surrounded by a piece of parchment paper.  The circles on the loaf come from a wicker Banneton bread proofing basket.  This loaf looks like it came from a bakery, doesn't it?



Anonymous said...

Sourdough bread is so good. Seems like the dough needs extra care when making it. It's great Aunt Kate has the patience to work with the dough to get it right. Looks delicious! Trace

Anonymous said...

WOW! Kathy’s bread looks fantastic! She is a very determined baker who keeps trying until it’s perfect. Too bad I don’t live closer…Betsey