Sunday, January 2, 2022

California Dreaming IV

GOO GOO GOO GOOGLIE EYES.  On the trip out to Los Angeles I have already whined about how I was stuck in a center seat for the flight.  And then the young woman at the window closed the shade so it was dark, and I couldn't look out the window.  I was prepared, however, and had my book to read.  Interestingly, it was called "Flying High" and is the story of how David Neeleman started JetBlue Airlines!  So it is a great read.  But it was dark with the window closed, so I reached up and turned on the spotlight over my seat, which illuminates my tray table area.  At some point I took my glasses off to rub my eyes, and saw this flash by my eyes. So I carefully moved my glasses around until I got this composition and then photographed it!  Cute, huh?



ken schwarz said...

OK, so it's a very cool shot! But please tell me you don't underline all the books you read and then administer yourself a test on the subject!

Anonymous said...

Only you would see this as a photo op for your blog! LOL Keep posting a picture each day. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! How do you come up with these funny blogs? Cute photo!! betsey

Ken Spencer said...

OK, my secret is out! I am a pathological underliner! I confess. Not sure why I do that, but I do that with some of the books I read. And I can't explain why. Although I will say that this particular book is called "Flying High" and it is the story of how David Neelemn started JetBlue airways. I love aviation and this book is chock full of interesting and detailed information about how airlines operate. So that is my excuse for underlining, and I'm sticking with this story! :-)