Saturday, January 22, 2022

Not Currier & Ives

There are no hockey players in Currier & Ives prints!  I mention this because the shot I did the other day reminded me about the Currier & Ives style.  Except that it was taken on an overcast day, and so the light was not that interesting.  So it was clear today, and it is a Saturday, so I knew there would be more skaters, and a late afternoon sun.  So on my walk I stopped by, loaded for bear, with my 70-200 where I could really zoom in on people from a distance if necessary.  Wow!  I got a decent action shot, and even got the puck!  I used to shoot some sports for the paper, but I wasn't as good as the special sports guys.  But this ain't bad, I think.



ken schwarz said...

Wow! You nailed it. A great action shot beautifully composed and sharp as a tack with three young hockey players charging towards the puck that is in motion!

Anonymous said...

What a difference a day and camera lens make. This is a great close up photo with the players in action and the puck rolling. I am happy these boys can be out playing a sport and having fun.

Anonymous said...

Nice action shot! These kids are totally focused on getting that puck. Always fun to kids playing outdoors...betsey

Ken Spencer said...

Thank you all! The old man appears to be able to still hack it as a sports shooter! No one is more surprised than me. Thank you all for your comments!