Friday, January 14, 2022

The Water Company

This is the interior of what was once the Sea Cliff Water Company.  It was bought by a larger corporation called American Water Company which owned some other water companies on Long Island.  Apparently they no longer needed this building and what was in it, so they are selling this building to the Village, which is talking about using it as an art center or something like that.  I was wondering what was inside.  Turns out, if I went there late in the afternoon, and rubbed some of the dirt off one of the windows, I could get a good view of the inside since sunlight was shining in the through the west windows and illuminating the inside.  There is a broken concrete pad on the floor with large bolts coming out, and a deep hole in the floor.  I would love to know what that all was.  But I do love the chain hoist hanging in the foreground. I sure do love old ruins.



Anonymous said...

Interesting but creepy. You will have to investigate further. Just don't let people see you rubbing dirt off the windows and sneaking around. HaHaHa

Ken Spencer said...

Joan: That's a good point! I don't want to be the creepy old guy lurking around some abandoned building!

Anonymous said...

Looks like it would be a very interesting building for an arts center. Will be interested in the future of this building. Keep us posted. betsey