Monday, September 28, 2009

Euthanize Grandma!

This is just plain STUPID! I passed this guy in front of the Glenwood Landing Post Office, and couldn't believe his signs, both the "Euthanize Grandma" and the picture of President Barack Obama with a Hitler mustache. I don't wish to discuss politics or health care reform here, but it is this kind of stupidity that is replacing meaningful discourse. I am really troubled by the nature of political discourse in Congress. It used to be a discussion among gentlemen, and now it seems to be a fistfight in a mud pit - it is no longer about working together to create legislation for the American people - it is about one party trying to make sure that the party in power fails. They should be ashamed of themselves. And this guy is an idiot, because the claim of euthanasia has been proven false. I was going to stop and ask this guy a couple of questions, but then decided I would rather paint my house. End of rant...


Anonymous said...

Ken, your rant is certainly warranted. Obviously this is a free country and this idiot has the right the spew this rhetoric but I appreciate you also taking a stand against him.

Anonymous said...

This picture is disturbing. I love how the American flags wave in the background, but some people, like this guy, couldn't care less about the less fortunate Americans who can't afford healthcare!! I wouldn't have wasted my time talking to him either!!I, too, would rather paint a house or for that matter watch the painton the house until it drys!!

Ken Spencer said...

Thanks for the support. I was afraid I would be spammed by members of one party. "Watching the paint on the house until it drys" made me laugh out loud! thanks,

Anonymous said...

You are so right! There are many things I would rather do than waste a second of my time with this 'wingnut'

Midge said...

As Buggs Bunny would say, "What a Maroon". Funny photo.