Monday, July 8, 2019

Sometimes I Can't Remember...

These Japanese Painted Ferns are in the front garden of a woman down the street.  These are absolutely stunning, aren't they!  I *think* I remember passing the garden while carrying only my infrared camera, and stopping to take a photograph of the ferns.  And the infrared photograph was not very interesting because you couldn't see the contrast in the leaves, and I was kicking myself for only having the infrared camera.  So on this day I had the color camera, and here is the result.  I actually did a search to see if I had posted the uninteresting photo of the ferns - I thought I did a blog post, but can't seem to find it.   Sigh...


Anonymous said...

Love the variations of color in the beautiful ferns.

Anonymous said...

Friday, May 31st you posted a photo of ferns. I like this color photo better with the ruble purple and greens. betsey