Friday, July 5, 2019

Watching the Blue Jay

Karen has two bird feeders in her garden next to her patio.  There was a Blue Jay at the feeder and the  twins were fascinated watching the bird eat.  This is Grayson at the patio door, glued to the glass, watching the Jay.  It's wonderful what kind of things four-year olds are fascinated with watching.  When we were sitting around before lunch, while Jonathan was cooking the hot dogs and burgers, I decided to recite some A.A. Milne poems that I remember from back when I was a kid.  My favorite is "Lines and Squares" about being sure to only walk on the squares on London streets, because there are bears who wait for "sillies who step on the lines of the street."  They seemed a little bit interested.  Perhaps in another year or so they will enjoy those poems more.  What was also fun was that after I recited a poem or two, Betsey recited her favorite poem.  Funny how these things from childhood stick with us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are several A.A. Milne poems that I really like and (partially) remember :-) The twins were so much fun to watch because they seemed fascinated with the birds and squirrels and were hoping to see some wild turkeys! betsey