Monday, April 20, 2020

The Joys of Bleeding hearts

I didn't get very far on my walk down Laurel Avenue before I found this picture.  Once again, it was in the garden of a neighbor who I know.  This is one of my favorite flowers, and on a gray day, this was a welcome burst of color.  What an amazing and beautiful flower this is!  I will not trouble you with the Latin name of this flower, but I will say that this is related to the poppy family, native to Siberia, northern china, Korea and Japan.  And yet it can grow in a small garden in Sea Cliff. Get this - other common names include lyre flower, heart flower, and my favorite, lady-in-a-bath!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I had planted pink and also white ones on Seaside Avenue. Always a breath of Spring.

Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous vibrant color! What a joy, indeed. Had to laugh at one of the other names - "lady in a bath"... betsey